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videos THL likes to watch, five times a day
~ Happy Birthday, Delaroche! ~ [who?]
JULY 17 - Britcom Panel Game, "8 out of 10 Cats" s13,e05
JULY 17 - Tight-jeans Cutie Fires Shotgun, Makes Rainbow
JULY 17 - TED Talks - The Power of Introverts
JULY 17 - Rolls Royce Trent 1000 Jet Turbine, In Legos
JULY 17 - Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Dispensed Like a Soda?

~ Happy Birthday, Samuel Huntington! ~ [who?]
JULY 16 - High-Skill Drummer Cutie Covers Master of Puppets
JULY 16 - Free Association Between Vlogbrothers
JULY 16 - Angry Joe Reviews Steel Battalion for Kinect
JULY 16 - Canadian Couple Review Korean Music: f(x) Electric Shock
JULY 16 - Jarhead Creates Slingshot Speargun

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