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videos THL likes to watch, five times a day
How Do I Use This Site?
Click the title of a video you want to see,
and a page will load with that video on it,
then click the red [>] symbol on the video to start loading it.

Why are you publishing my videos?
I'm not, actually. Either:

You are publishing your own videos on YouTube, and you have
the settings on the video set to allow other people to "embed" the video, or

Someone else has uploaded your video to YouTube, as if it were their own.
To report the video, you'll have to contact Youtube. Try clicking on the little
black YouTube logo in the bottom right corner of the video to visit
the person who is using your video.

How can I contact you directly?
You can email me at ablestmage@gmail.com, if you like.
Please put "videoTHL" somewhere in the subject line ~_^

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> contact videoTHL <